The wondrous workings of the universe. Here the reference is about how it all originated, all those created elements, the design that was there before any "Big Bang". This is beyond our comprehension and it is not possible for us to come anywhere near an understanding or even to have the language to adequately express this sublime mystery. The essence of everything that was present in this formative initial stage, has everything that is required to enable function to perfection and fulfilment of its designated purpose. The scope of our comprehension is unable to fathom all this and our words fall short of meaningful description. We can imagine a vast store of these elemental phenomena and their ability to contribute to all the processes that exist. What is the nature of this store? Now in this computer age an analogy to this store can be imagined. It is stated that everything that has ever been "Googled" by everyone is held in computer storage. This seems unimaginable but is of course totally insignificant if compared to the storage of those elemental forces that enable the universe to function. Obviously this storage is without bounds, limitless and totally beyond any comparisons.
Information storage relating to computerisation took on further significance with the Internet. Almost unlimited access to information became available. Up to this point books were the main source of this information which now was opened up and reorganised for the computer. Information once hidden in books was now brought together in a readily available format, enabling a vast amount of related knowledge to be on hand and easily accessed.
Appreciating the role of the computer here perhaps helps give some indication of how the universe functions. It is as if all is catered for, answers are there for all that can be imagined. Seeking answers opens up hidden information. The universe knows all the answers, it is an inexhaustible knowledge store of all the solutions that it requires to ensure everything functions in its own ultra perfect way. Our brain function is part of this natural phenomenon. We have the capability to seek answers and draw knowledge from this universal store. This is at the heart of invention and discovery. The answers are all there, but are hidden, revealed upon seeking. Science is about seeking answers, which often lead to more questions, all in an ongoing quest to find the elusive ultimate answer. There is often a progression of theories and propositions. The ultimate answer is there in the universe's store, but may only be revealed when the time and conditions are right, often taking many years of attempts to unfold. Archaeologists uncover the past through excavation, literally seeking that which is hidden and bringing it to light. In all cases the truth is there, hidden waiting for the seeker to "ask the right questions".
Applying the idea of uncovering and gaining access to a design solution in primal forms development, each begins with a potential concept. It then becomes a case of bringing the idea to reality. The solution is there it just needs to be uncovered. As a result of previous experience and practical development there is a good chance that a design will be successful. In these cases a true solution will have been found. The outcome, in answer to the idea sought has uncovered a new design and brought the potential idea to reality.
The diagram shows the tetrahedron in this example of a potential idea which results in a finished form.
A tetrahedron has 4 apex points. Each apex point has 3 edge lines which join 3 further apex points.
A symmetrical arrangement of the 4 apex points/centres are marked on the sphere.
3 spiral paths begin at each of the 4 centres.
Each of these spiral paths join 3 other centres.
The drawn design on the clay sphere prior to the making process.
When drawn out and made the completed forms with two variations in spiral progression are shown in the photos.